
To love, yet not loved.

To care, yet not cared about.

Is that thy fate, child of light the awakener of dusk?

To be fed lies within each midnight, to consume and to unendingly be consumed by thyself; a cycle which neverends and a sin that shall never be freed.

You whom are to feed thy envy, yet to watch thyself be destroyed by what was fed by them? Within the body lies awake, for the eyes that see and seek within lines; forebode thyself lies.

Whom do you wish to wait for? to what savior would cometh for you? None, will see you, none will think of you and none will ever feel for you.

O’ dear child, within your twilight of dusk shalt be your domain; Whilst, awaiting shalt you walk endlessly through time.

But to you I ask? shalt you be free?